Audiqueen Reader is a free application for Windows PCs or laptops.
You need this to open and view .auqx files if you do not have an Audiqueen licence.

Typical use case

Imagine you are an ENT or other physician or audiologist not using Audiqueen to manage all your ENT results and other data.  A colleague of yours who does use Audiqueen may want to share the results of a patient with you.  He/she will then send you an encrypted .auqx file.  You can view all these results using the free Audiqueen Reader.

Install and activate Audiqueen Reader

Download the installer from Otoconsult's website.

Run the downloaded .exe file and follow the instructions to activate it.  This only needs to be done once.

Open Audiqueen Reader to view results

Open Audiqueen Reader with the shortcut on your desktop.  Use the menu to set your language and then open an .auqx file.


Audiqueen® Reader offers the same display functionality as Audiqueen.  Please visit Audiqueen’s help page to find all details ( 

The graphical interface of test results in Audiqueen consists of 3 levels:

  1. The ribbon or menu;
  2. The graph;
  3. The grid or list of all test results.

Topology of the graphical interface showing the 3 components: (1) ribbon, (2) graph, and (3) list.

Select a test type in the ribbon to see all the test results under this test type, for instance audiometry, speech audiometry, documents, endoscopy, etc...

If there are multiple results within a test type, only those results that are checked in the grid are shown on the chart. Use these checkboxes to select the results you want to see on the graph.

Use the Format button to change the graph settings.
Use the Print button to print the results. 
Use the Anonymize button to hide the patient's personal information.

Use the  event control buttons to show or hide surgical or all events.
Use the Show Legend Only checkbox to decide which grid lines to display.