See also: Test Type Working Principles

Select Speech Audiometry and click on Manual Input in the ribbon. 

Start by selecting the test material (speech list) or pick ‘unknown stimulus’

The speech lists shown are those you’ve uploaded into  Audiqueen at a previous moment (see install speech extension or make your own speech list for more details).

You can now enter some test details, like the test date, the tester, and some remarks.  Also, you enter whether the test was performed with or without hearing aids.  For this, you click on the question marks to toggle between different hearing aids (if assigned to the patient) or you use the shortcut buttons Active or None.  Active will select the active aids for both sides, none will select no hearing aids for both ears. You find assistance on how to assign hearing aids to a patient in the Devices section.

You can change the scales or the resolution of the horizontal (Frequency Resolution) and the vertical (Intensity Resolution) axis.  The typical Intensity Resolution is 5 dB, but you can choose any value between 1 and 20 dB.  The typical Score Resolution is 1 % but you can choose any value between 0,5 and 20 %.

Then you choose the side (right, left, or both).  ‘Both sides’ is used when both ears were receiving the stimulus during testing.  The typical case is sound field testing.  In this case, the thresholds are displayed on both the left and the right audiogram and the symbol for both ears is used.

Then you choose the conduction, which can be air conduction (headphones or insert phones or free field), bone conduction, or audio cable (mainly used for cochlear implant testing).

Available conductors: headphones, insert phones, bone conductor, free field speakers, audio cable

And finally, you indicate whether scoring was done per item (1 checkbox: word in case of word lists, sentence  in case of sentence lists) or per segment (3 checkboxes: phoneme or word respectively).

Available symbols for audiometric stimuli 

Thresholds are entered by placing the pointer on the graph and either double-clicking or clicking Spacebar on the keyboard.  

Can I enter extra information, such as whether the measured point was obtained with masking?

Use the right mouse button to change the response type (masked or unmasked) or the number of items presented, if known (this defines the spread of the confidence interval on the graph).

Finally, you can enter some test details, like the test date, the tester, and some remarks.

Save everything using the Save Result button.

This feature is not available in the web viewer.  
Audiqueen's web viewer displays the results entered in Audiqueen's Workstations.