!! Moving Audiqueen's database without following this procedure will result in your licence becoming invalid. !!

Server Configuration

  1. Review the Audiqueen System Requirements to make sure the target SQL Server Instance is configured correctly. Please note that you might need to enable the FILESTREAM feature if the current database works with filestream.
  2. Make sure that no one is using Audiqueen.
  3. Deactivate your licence (in the 'old' database).  Click here to find out how to do so.  Make sure to copy the activation key, because you'll need to enter it again later.
  4. Migrate the database to the new server instance. This can be done with either the attach/detach procedure or  the backup/restore procedure
  5. On the migrated database, make sure the necessary SQL Logins are mapped to the [audiqueen] sql user, such that they are a member of the [db_owner] role.
  6. Activate your licence again (in the 'new' database); see here for details on how to do so...

Workstation Configuration

Now that the database has been moved to a new location, all workstations need to be reconfigured, so that they connect to the database at its new location.

Manual Procedure

Open Audiqueen Administrator Tools on the Workstation, and click Manage Connections.

The Manage Connections screen appears. Select the Default connection and press "Edit". The Database Connection Settings screen appears.

Enter the new location of the database (YOURSERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME) where YOURSERVERNAME is the computer name of the machine in your network where the Audiqueen Database Server is installed, and INSTANCENAME is the name of the SQL Server Instance that contains the database. In case you have changed the SQL Login, click "Advanced" to configure the credentials. Press "Test" to verify that the connection can be established. If the test does not succeed, please check the values you entered and make sure that the firewall on your Audiqueen Server machine allows incoming connections. Click "Save" to return to connection management. Make sure the Default connection is set active and press "OK" to apply and save. 

Automated Procedure

Configuration parameters like the database host name can be supplied as MSI arguments during an unattended install. For example, to run the Audiqueen Workstation setup without user interaction, supply the /qb parameter and provide the connection string arguments. Please contact Otoconsult for more information regarding the unattended client installation.

Audiqueen Integrations

If your environment also works with our Webviewer, HL7 Integration or Noah Integration, you will need to change the database connection for these services. Please check the manuals that come with these integrations to adjust the database connection. Restart your service after you have performed your changes.