See also: exporting test results to an .auqx file

If you receive an .auqx file containing one or multiple test results of a patient, this is the way to import it into your Audiqueen database.

(Note: auqx is the format that is compatible with Audiqueen 3.5 and later.  In older versions it is as auq format). 

In Audiqueen, find the correct patient file and click on the Audiqueen crown at the left top corner and then on Import Results.

Select the .auqx file you want to import.

If the .auq(x) file does not belong to the current patient, Audiqueen throws this message.

You may abort the process and first, select the correct patient.  Alternatively, you can proceed, for instance, if you are convinced that the imported data should become part of the current patient’s file.

Audiqueen now displays each result to be imported, with all details.

The tester name has been replaced by the centre name where the result has been obtained.

You may decide to modify these metadata and import or skip this result.

If the result already exists in the database, it won't be imported. It is the same for events: if importing events that already exist, it will not import them again.

 This feature is not available in the web viewer.